Ali Ouni | ETS Montreal |
Amey Karkare | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur |
Ana Moreno | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Andre van der Hoek | University of California, Irvine |
Andreas Bollin | University of Klagenfurt |
Andreea Vescan | Babes-Bolyai University |
Anya Tafliovich | University of Toronto Scarborough |
Atsuo Hazeyama | Tokyo Gakugei University |
Aurora Vizcaíno | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Barrie Thompson | Independent Researcher |
Bastian Tenbergen | State University of New York at Oswego |
Beatriz Marin | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Ben Hermann | TU Dortmund |
Camelia Serban | Babeș-Bolyai University |
Candy Pang | MacEwan University |
Carl Jones | Cardiff University |
Carla Bezerra | Federal University of Ceara |
Cecile Peraire chair | Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley |
CecileTest Test | Bogus |
Charles Wallace | Michigan Technological University |
Chris Bull | Newcastle University |
Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim | Federal University of Santa Catarina |
Christina von Flach | Federal University of Bahia |
Claudia Werner | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Craig Anslow | Victoria University of Wellington |
Damith Chatura RAJAPAKSE | National University of Singapore |
David Klappholz | Stevens Institute of Technology |
David Sinclair | Dublin City University |
Diego Fontdevila | UNTREF/UBA |
Dieter Landes | University of Applied Sciences Coburg |
Dirk-Jan Swagerman | Buffadoo BV |
Elisa Yumi Nakagawa | University of São Paulo |
Eman AlOmar | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Emanuel Grant | University of North Dakota |
Emily Navarro | University of California, Irvine |
Fabio Petrillo | ETS Montreal |
Flavio Oquendo | IRISA (UMR CNRS) / Université Bretagne Sud |
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto | Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg |
German Dugarte | IES Abroad |
Giuseppe Destefanis | Brunel University of London |
Goetz Botterweck | Trinity College Dublin and Lero |
Grischa Liebel | Reykjavik University |
Guoping Rong | Nanjing University |
Hironori Washizaki | Waseda University |
Hossein Saiedian | The University of Kansas |
Igor Čavrak | University of Zagreb |
Igor Scaliante Wiese | UTFPR |
Irum Inayat | Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg |
Isabella Graßl | University of Passau |
Ivana Bosnic | University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) |
James DesLauriers | Imperial College London |
Janet Siegmund | Chemnitz University of Technology |
Jati H. Husen | Telkom University |
Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez | California Polytechnic State University |
Jeffrey Carver | University of Alabama |
Jeremy Bradbury | Ontario Tech University |
Jocelyn Simmonds | University of Chile |
John Georgas | Northern Arizona University |
John Noll | University of Limerick |
Juergen Mottok | Regensburg University of Applied Sciences |
Jürgen Börstler | Blekinge Institute of Technology |
Katsuro Inoue | Nanzan University |
Kevin Buffardi | California State University, Chico |
Kevin Gary | Arizona State University |
Kiev Gama | Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) |
Laura Tubino | Deakin University |
Lenandlar Singh | University of Guyana |
Leonardo Sousa | Carnegie Mellon University |
Lola Burgueño | University of Malaga |
Lucia Happe | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Maíra Marques Samary | Boston College |
Maria Paasivaara | LUT University |
Maria Angela Ferrario | Queen's University Belfast |
Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Marian Daun | Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt |
Marie Devlin | Newcastle University UK |
Mark Ardis | Retired |
Mark Paulk | University of Texas at Dallas |
Martin Robillard | McGill University |
Masataka Nagura | Nanzan University |
Matthew Barr | University of Glasgow |
Mazyar Seraj | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Meghan Allen | University of British Columbia |
Michael Hilton | Carnegie Mellon University |
Michael Striewe | University of Applied Sciences Trier |
Miguel Morales-Trujillo | University of Canterbury |
Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer | University of Michigan-Flint |
Morgan Ericsson | Linnaeus Univerity |
Nadine Nicole Koch | Institute of Software Engineering, University of Stuttgart |
Nancy Mead | Carnegie Mellon University |
Nicolas GUELFI | University of Luxembourg |
Nicolas Paez | Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero |
Niklas Meissner | University of Stuttgart |
Norihiro Yoshida | Ritsumeikan University |
Noriko Hanakawa | Hannan University |
Nour Ali | Brunel University London |
Paolo Tell | IT University of Copenhagen |
Pasqualina Potena | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB |
Peggy Gregory | University of Glasgow |
Perdita Stevens | University of Edinburgh |
Pierre Bourque | École de technologie supérieure |
Qi Cao | University of Glasgow |
Rafal Wlodarski | Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley |
Reed Milewicz | Sandia National Laboratories |
Reinhold Plösch | Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Remco de Boer | ArchiXL & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Richard LeBlanc | Seattle University |
Robert Chatley chair | Imperial College London |
Roberto Verdecchia | University of Florence |
Rodrigo Santos | UNIRIO |
Ronnie de Souza Santos | University of Calgary |
Sabrina Marczak | PUCRS |
Sandro Speth | University of Stuttgart |
Saurabh Tiwari | DA-IICT Gandhinagar |
Seonah Lee | Gyeongsang National University |
Sepideh Ghanavati | University of Maine |
Shin Nakajima | National Institute of Informatics |
Shinpei Ogata | Shinshu University |
Simona Motogna | Babes Bolyai University |
Stephan Krusche chair | Technical University of Munich |
Steve Counsell | Brunel University |
Thomas Richter | Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences |
Tim Storer | University of Glasgow |
Tiziana Margaria | University of Limerick |
Tom Carroll | University of Manchester |
Upsorn Praphamontripong | University at Albany |
Vadim Zaytsev | University of Twente |
William Billingsley | University of New England |
Yvonne Sedelmaier | SRH University |
Zilu Liang | Kyoto University of Advanced Science |